Isabel Yellin

16_02_2017 : 08_04_2017

1 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

2 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

3 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

4 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

5 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

6 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

7 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

8 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

9 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

10 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

11 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

12 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

13 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

14 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

15 - Isabel Yellin BB 2017 leatherette rigilene stuffing thread and acrylic dim. var. Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

16 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia

17 - Isabel Yellin Tabula Rasa 2017 Installation View Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia
Photo: Filippo Armellin

Per l’esposizione Yellin costruisce un set di quattordici corpi informi di pelle sintetica. Riempiti di ovatta e chiusi da cuciture bianche volutamente visibili, sono caratterizzati da una forte matrice tattile ottenuta grazie al progetto del modellato e alle tensioni naturali del tessuto stesso.

Intitolati tutti “BB” (Body Bot) alludono ad uno stato zero della conoscenza; soggetti archetipici privati da qualsiasi definizione fisiognomica, assumono la parvenza di individui primari dal contenuto mentale ancora vuoto ma pronti ad accogliere conoscenza e apprendimento esperienziale.

Sono forme volutamente snaturate e ambigue dalle parvenze di manichini o sacchi da box fatiscenti che, appesi senza la tipica catena di sostegno, si poggiano per la prima volta inermi al muro cadenzando ritmicamente il vuoto bianco dello spazio. Le sagome monocromatiche e tridimensionali, modulate nella plasticità e nelle consistenze, sono solcate da pochi tratti di pittura bianca che seguendo i profili e le linee di tensione principali rivelano la coesistenza di un valore scultoreo e pittorico.

Yellin sceglie di sviluppare un lavoro carico di connotazioni espressive e allusioni antropomorfe, un processo creativo volto ad attrarre e al contempo respingere, sollecitando sullo spettatore percezioni sensoriali instabili e direttamente legate ad esperienze personali, intime e culturali.

Come presenze plasmate sul pensiero filosofico di Bauman, i corpi sembrano assumere l’aspetto di umani abitanti di una “società liquida”, mutilati negli arti e nelle sicurezze, venute meno per convivere e attendere le dinamiche di un mondo frenetico basato sul consumismo e sulla globalizzazione.

For the exhibition, Yellin constructs a set of fourteen shapeless bodies made of synthetic leather. Full of padding and sewn together with white voluminous seams, these sculptures are characterised by a strong tactile matrix achieved due to the style of moulding and the natural tensions of the fabric.

Titled "BB" (Body Bot), they allude to a zero state of consciousness; as archetypical  subjects deprived of any physiognomic definition, they assume the semblance of original individuals with a still empty mental awareness, but with a simultaneous readiness to welcome understanding and experimental learning.

They are deliberately distorted and ambiguous forms, with the appearance of mannequins or dilapidated punching bags, which, hung without their typical supporting chains, lean instead helplessly on the wall, gracefully marking the rhythm in the white emptiness of the space. The monochromatic and three-dimensional shapes, formed through plasticity and consistencies, are cut across by small traces of white paint, which follow the profiles and the main lines of tensions to reveal a consistency in sculptural and pictorial value.

Yellin chooses to develop a work filled with expressive connotations and anthropomorphic allusions, a creative process meant to simultaneously attract and reject, urging the spectator to feel unstable sensorial perceptions directly tied to personal experiences, both intimate and cultural.

As presences moulded following the philosophical thought of Bauman, the bodies assume the appearance of human occupants of a "liquid society", wounded in the arts and certainties, come less to live with than to wait for the dynamics of a world frenetically based around consumption and globalisation.


Isabel Yellin
New York, 1987 - lives and works in Los Angeles

2014 MA - Painting - Royal College of Art, London
2011 B.A. (Honors) - Oberlin College, Oberlin 

Selected Solo and Two Person: 2017 It'll Come, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Tabula Rasa, Studiolo, Milan; 2016 You Gotta Be Bad You Gotta Be Good,  Rear Window, Peeling, Lock Up International, Istanbul, Pillow Talk, Skibum MacArthur, Los Angeles; 2015 Do a Double Take + All Will Be Clear, Vigo Gallery, London

Selected Group Exhibitions: 2018 All Hands on Deck, curated by Kate McNamara, Ben Maltz Galleries at Otis College, LA; 2017 SKIPTRACER, M. LeBlanc Gallery, Chicago, ILRachel LaBine, Lucy Kim, Isabel Yellin - Lyles & King, New York, NY; Art Toronto w/ Night GalleryEXPO Chicago, Mira Dancy + Isabel Yellin, Night Gallery, Chicago,IL; 2016 Someplace Else Right Now, Frank Zappa's UMRK, Los Angeles, Ghetto Anglaise, Observer, Hastings; 2015 VOLUMES, Berthold Pott at Kunstverein Kölnberg, Germany; 2014 Untitled Art Fair, Miami, Group Show, Galleria Nicodim, Bucharest, Brand New Second Hand, Vigo Gallery, London
