Yves Scherer

10_12_2015 : 29_02_2016

1 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

2 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

3 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

4 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

5 -- Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin copia 2

6 - Yves Scherer ZY 2015 Aluminium Dibond Prada Bag T-Shirt Pants and Acrylic Paint 135x102 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

7 - Yves Scherer CY 2015 Aluminium Dibond Prada Bag T-Shirt Pants and Acrylic Paint 135x85 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

8 - Yves Scherer GP 2015 Aluminium Dibond Prada Bag T-Shirt Pants and Acrylic Paint 135x102 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

9 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

10 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

11 - Yves Scherer Virging 2015 Prada Bag Acrylic Paint Paper 89x85 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

16 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

13 - Yves Scherer Altar detail 2015 3D Print Cloth Fake Flowers Candles Photographs 250x110x65 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

14 - Yves Scherer Altar detail 2015 3D Print Cloth Fake Flowers Candles Photographs 250x110x65 cm - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

12 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

17 - Yves Scherer Installation view 2015 - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

18 - Yves Scherer Struggle II 2015 Crayon and Pencil on Papers Dim. Var. - Courtesy Studiolo Milan - Photo Filippo Armellin

photo: Filippo Armellin

“I’m not one of these guys who’s constantly in a relationship, not at all”

Il titolo della mostra è un gioco sul marchio di moda francese The Kooples, la cui campagna pubblicitaria raffigura coppie reali, vestite in maniera corrispondente, mentre indossano camicie chambray, giacche di pelle e blazers di lana. Allo stesso tempo la mostra è una visione della coppia come struttura sociale “due individui della stessa specie considerati insieme”. Come un rapporto intimo - o amoroso - la coppia è da sempre la culla della famiglia tradizionale e indiscutibilmente la struttura primaria per antonomasia.

I media tradizionali hanno prodotto dozzine di esempi popolari. in mostra una piccola selezione di questi: al centro dello spazio è disposto, come un altarino cristiano, una scultura di due persone sdraiate; la posa è tratta da un’immagine di Johnny Depp e Kate Moss in cui lui protegge e ricopre il corpo nudo di lei. Distesi su un panneggio - che potrebbe essere sangue o colore dalla provenienza non chiara - l’artista vuole simulare la scena di un rito sacrificale, in cui i protagonisti offrono i loro corpi e il loro amore al pubblico.

Distribuite nella stanza altre immagini di coppie note tratte da Just Jared, piattaforma multimediale che si occupa della divulgazione delle ultime tendenze pop del momento. Justin Bieber in più fasi della sua relazione con Selena Gomez e Robert Pattinson, il vampiro che ha rubato il cuore di Kristen Stewarts e della musicista FKA Twigs. Grazie a queste immagini, a muro e a terra, lo spazio si trasforma in un ibrido tra un blog di lifestyle e intrattenimento ed una boutique di moda. In una attività commerciale le immagini servono da pubblicità e fonte di ispirazione, promuovendo uno stile di vita contemporaneo che presumibilmente può essere acquistato tramite i prodotti offerti; così come nelle chiese cristiane, le immagini e i santi raffigurati nelle vetrate, sono indizi di un determinato periodo storico e specchio di società precedenti.

Questo è il cosiddetto icon-like status che ci porta a guardare, misurare e valutare noi stessi paragonandoci con esempi popolari prodotti dall'industria dell'intrattenimento. Questo lato più personale e introspettivo trova la sua continuazione nella serie di quadri "Brangelina". Utilizzando delle borse Prada come base, l’artista realizza una serie di assemblaggi - alla Rauschenberg - con parti di abbigliamento, vernici e accessori, tutti appartenenti alla collezione personale dell’artista. Nello spazio questi pezzi assumono le sembianze di trofei, un archivio dei suoi amori passati e immaginari; le opere parlano del tempo condiviso tra due persone e il risultato dell’unione in un’unica entità, la coppia come somma che va al di là delle sue parti.

“I’m not one of these guys who’s constantly in a relationship, not at all”

The show’s title is a play on the the french fashion label The Kooples, whose ads depict real-life couples dressed in a matching manner, wearing chambray shirts, leather jacket and wool blazers. At the same time it’s a take on the couple as a social structure, of “two individuals of the same sort considered together”. As an intimate - or loving - relationship, the couple has been the cradle of a traditional family and our arguably most thought and written about structure.

Mainstream media has produced dozens of famous examples, here we’re looking at a small selection: Arranged like a christian Altar there is the sculpture of two people laying on a piece of cloth in the middle of the space. The interweaved pose is taken from an image of Johnny Depp and Kate Moss, him protecting and covering her naked body with his own. Laying in a lake of what could be blood or pink color of unclear origin, we could read the scene as part of a sacrifice ritual, them giving they love and body for the sake of the public.

Spread along the room, there are images of other couples too; taken from Just Jared, a multimedia platform which provides pop culture trends, “extensive celebrity photo galleries and breaking entertainment news” they show the examples of the moment - Justin Bieber in multiple stages of his relationship with Selena Gomez as well as Robert Pattinson, the love vampire that has taken Kristen Stewarts heart before going for musician FKA Twigs. With these images pasted on wall, floor and ceiling, the space becomes a hybrid between lifestyle blog and the interior of a fashion boutique. In this environment of a small commercial store, the images serve as advertisement or “inspiration”, selling you a lifestyle which allegedly can be bought with the products on offer. At the same time we are reminded of the stained glass windows in christian churches too, which depict the Saints of their specific time.

It’s this icon-like status, which makes look, scale or evaluate our own relationship against these famous examples produced by the entertainment industry. This more personal or introspective side of the show finds it’s continuation in the “Brangelina” paintings. Each taking a Prada handbag as a basis the works get turned into a Rauschenbergian assemblage, using pieces of clothing, paint and accessories from the artists personal collection. Hung to the wall these pieces become like trophies, part archive of the artists past love’s and part of his imagined one’s, the works speak of the time shared between two people and the resulting mergence into this one single entity or persona, the couple as a sum which goes beyond it’s part.


Yves Scherer
Solothurn, CH, 1987. Lives and works in New York

BA in Sciences of Culture from the University of Lucerne
MA in Sculpture from London’s Royal College of Art

Selected Solo and Two Person: 2015 Couples, Studiolo, Milan, Honey Moon, Swiss Institute, New York, Vanity Fair, Salon Kennedy, Frankfurt (with Florian Auer), Where Is The Love, Exo Exo, Paris, Days at Sea, Carl Kostyal, London; 2014 Closer, Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Coney Island, S.A.L.T.S., Basel; 2013 SKYLINE, SSZ-Sued, Cologne, Evolution & Comfort, Almanac Projects, London.

Selected Group Exhibitions: 2015 Basic Instict, Seventeen Gallery, London, Cookie Gate, Ellis King, Dublin, Swiss Art Awards, Basel, Art Parcours, Art Basel, Basel, Last Night, curated by Attilia Fattori Franchini, Parallel Oaxaca, Mexico City; 2014 National Gallery, Grand Century, New York, Union, Union Pacific, London, ABC, Art Berlin Contemporary with Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin, Objects and Environment, Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin; 2013 New Contemporaries, ICA Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, Regionale 14, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, Press Days, GillmeierRech, Berlin, SUNSET, The Sunday Painter, London (three person show with Max Ruf & Jan Kiefer).


Mousse    http://moussemagazine.it/yves-scherer-studiolo-2016/
Flash Art    http://www.flashartonline.it/2016/02/yves-sherer-couples-studiolo-milano/
Art Viewer    http://artviewer.org/yves-scherer-at-studiolo/?utm_content=buffer690b6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
OFluxo    http://www.ofluxo.net/im-not-one-of-these-guys-whos-constantly-in-a-relationship-not-at-all-by-yves-scherer-studiolo/
Indechs    http://www.indechs.org/writers-wednesday-on-exhibitions-3/
Kuba Paris    http://kubaparis.com/yves-scherer/
Aujourd'hui    http://www.aujourdhui.pt/blog/yves-scherer-studiolo
Daily Lazy    http://daily-lazy.blogspot.it/2015/12/yves-scherer-at-studiolo-milan.html#more
Nyctaeus    http://nyctaeus.tumblr.com/post/136533345918/yves-scherer-couples-studiolo
Artitious     http://artitious.com/artist/yves-scherer/
Wall Street International    http://wsimag.com/it/arte/19221-yves-scherer-couples
